Wright's Aerials

Making contact


Straightforward enquiries

To book a domestic job (as opposed to merely wanting some general information) you should email Paul Wright on donvalleyaerials@f2s.com.

Our situation at present is that Bill is semi-retired and Paul is carrying out most of the installation work. Bill organises the larger jobs, plans the larger systems, orders materials, and generally acts as backroom boy for Paul. That might give you an idea of which of us to contact, although we forward most things to each other anyway.

Bill Wright’s email address is wrightsaerials@f2s.com Any email that has attachments (photographs etc.) should go to one of these email addresses, since the contact form at the bottom of this page does not accept attachments.


For anything other than straightforward enquiries about jobs you want us to look at, please read the following message from Bill..

General chit-chat

If you see or hear something amusing or interesting that involves aerial installation work please pass it on.

Rogues’ Gallery and Aerial Photography

If you see anything that would fit into these sections I’d be delighted to have a photograph. If possible get a good clear shot with the best possible resolution, so that I can trim it down if necessary. If the shot shows an aerial with the sky as background it’s often best to overexpose by one or two stops. If your camera is fully automatic try half pressing the shutter with the camera looking down a little, so there’s less sky in the shot. Then lift it to the taking position and press the shutter the rest of the way. It would be great if you could send a description as well, and ideally this will be written in as whimsical a style as you care to muster.

Albert’s Attic

I would really appreciate copies of any documents such as magazines dating from before 1970 that have relevance to the TV aerial industry. I’m less keen on general TV stuff because there are lots of better websites than this one for that sort of material. If you have a scanner please send high resolution scans. If you haven’t, you could photocopy the pages and post them, and of course I’ll refund the postage.

Requests for information (domestic)

I genuinely enjoy helping people out where I can, but there are limits.

There are only so many hours in the day, and of course I have no knowledge of reception conditions in parts of the country where I’ve never worked, so general enquiries will often fall on stony ground. There’s really no point in asking me to recommend the best aerial or amplifier or whatever for your part of town when I’ve never been there in my life.

This sort of question is best answered on the newsgroups. There’s always someone on there willing to help, and the amount of local knowledge available can be staggering. Try alt.radio.digital, uk.tech.broadcast, uk.tech.digital-tv, and uk.tech.tv.sky.

If you’re thinking of sending me a long email detailing your requirements for a complicated domestic TV distribution system, in the hope that I’ll spend hours planning it for you for nothing, then please think again. If you really want this service send me an outline of your requirements and I’ll quote you. The cost will be a minimum of £100 + VAT.

Requests for information (commercial)

This applies to premises such as schools, offices, hospitals, prisons – in fact anywhere where there’s a need for fairly large scale TV distribution. We can play this in different ways, to suit yourself. If you have the resources to install the system yourself you might only need us to plan it. This is appropriate for companies that have their own electricians or wiremen. The planning service is detailed and includes installation methods, loan of specialist tools, and so on. Of course we can supply the materials as well if you wish. Take a look a look at the services we offer on our home page (the green text).

Please note that requests for free planning and free consultancy will go unanswered. Sorry to seem grumpy but honestly we just can't cope with sheer volume of requests that we've been getting.

Please note: This form does not accept attachments, so if you want to send photographs, plans, etc, please use one of email addresses near the top of this page.

Your name:  
Your email address:   [must be valid]
Your phone no:   [if you'd like us to call you]
Wright's Aerials
43 Greaves Sike Lane
Micklebring, Rotherham
S66 7RR
Tel: 01709 813419

Bill's Mobile: 07860 610519
Paul's mobile: 07930 347632

Norfolk customers: David Wright Aerials: 01692 404061

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